Today I present an "Engine Core Effect" particle emitter (prop)! I figured any decent sci-fi film set in a futuristic spaceship should have an engine, and that engine needs a fancy core with lots of plasma and fluxing, sparking goodness, right? So here's that effect! (No actual engine included, just the effect - which consists of 8 particle emitters attached to a dummy prop.)
This guy comes with a script attached to the dummy prop with FOUR Perform functions (right click the dummy prop to find them under PERFORM):
(1) Engine Start (3 sec)
(2) Engine Stop (5 sec)
(3) Engine Running (ALL ON)
(4) Engine Stopped (ALL OFF)
Basically, the first two functions do the same as the last two functions, but in slightly different ways. The first (1) starts the particle emitters over a period of 3 seconds (a somewhat dramatic Engine Ignite Sequence). The second (2) turns off the emitters over a 5 second period (not-so-dramatic Shut Down Sequence). Whereas function (3) simply turns ALL emitters ON immediately, and (4) turns ALL emitters OFF immediately.
Make sense? Hope so!
iClone > Set > Props > Sci-Fi Prop